Friday, 20 January 2012

19/01/12 Demons 2 (1986)

What is it with Italian horror films?

Well, they're poo. Which kinda answers that.

As a life-long horror mental, I've always been perplexed by the blind adoration some of the worst offenders have amoungst the splat-fans. Demons 2 was written by Dario Argento -definately not a paedophile, but really looks like one- and directed by Lamberto Bava. You know that when two such incandescent beacons of Italian amazingness get together, brown magic's gonna happen!

Anyway, the film takes place in a block of flats where a grumpy woman gets bitten by her TV, turns into a demon and then runs around spreading the love. Various residents include:

A pregnant woman who does sit ups to "Give air to the baby" !?

A Gym instructor who manages to dip his arms in oil before every scene.

A Mark 1 Ford Fiesta, briefly seen in an alleway.

A gang of four hilariously unconvincing street-tough 'youths', in their early thirties, who spend the film speeding recklessly around town at 28mph, before having a crash and, er, fucking off.

A male midget* demon who gives birth to a sub-midget demon, who is even midget-ier.

The make up and some of the effects are genuinely excellent and a couple of shots are actually, honestly creepy. The effects peeps and the DOP deserve a pair of golden pasta shells (probably the Italian version of The Oscars 'n' shit)

4.1 Ferrari flavoured pizzas/10

If the film was a Terry's Chocolate Orange, this video would be the fourth segment:


*Possibly meant to be a child, deffo looks more like a midget though.

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