Sunday, 2 September 2012

31/08/2012 The Cold Light of Day (2012)

A couple go on a sailing holiday to Spain with their two grown up sons. So far, so believable.  Things take a turn for the unlikely when it transpires dad (Bruce Willis) has been a spy all along, and the family are nabbed by rum CIA goons led by Sigourney Weaver when eldest son Henry Cavill swims off to town one afternoon. Things take a bigger plunge into bollocks territory when Cavill transforms from bratty desk monkey to Jason Bourne in the space of about 20 minutes, and meets the half sister he didn't know he had (spies and their double lives eh).

Anyway, the beginning is ok but my interest waned when Henry started wearing his shirt so the ending is sketchy. Basically he gets shot in the arse, runs around a bit and eventually rescues his mum and brother (Bruce gets shot fairly early on; probably remembered he used to have a career and insisted on a swift rewrite).



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