Thursday, 19 June 2014

5/06/14 Zombies Of Mora Tau (1957)

Silly old nonsense about a bunch of people looking for some shipwreck booty. Some proto-Romero shufflers wearing insta-dry clothing waddle out of the ocean to claim them back.

It's pretty ropey, but fun enough if you're in the mood for vintage twaddle.

Electricity was expensive 57 years ago so most houses employed a 'Fire Nan'.

Pop group The Alberts were pretty much the One Direction of their day. 

"Isn't this outfit a bit, well, revealing?"
"It'll be dark in the club, don't worry."

"Gary, I'm in the mood..."
""Nice one. I'll switch on the Fire Nan."

"Careful, Miriam. You'll 'ave someone's eye out with them."

"I'm amazed I found someone with the same fetish!"
"Actually, when your advert said 'big brassy helmet diver' I was kinda hoping for something else..."

That would actually make a really cool poster. Someone print it off and send it to me.


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