Set in medieval land of Pretendyshire, a large, heavily scarred bearded fellow lives in a cabin and occasionally goes when the sound of a horn from the local castle beckons him.
"Well, I've got the horn. Best go out and do something about it."
Anyway, when he hears the call it means there's a message for him, a scroll around an arrow shot from the castle, which shows him which monster is currently putting the locals in peril. He goes off to kill the beast, take its head and return to his cabin.
Some years before, one of the monsters made it personal so he waits for the message telling him that monster has returned.
Much better than I make it sound. It's a downbeat, almost dialogue free film about the restlessness of living for revenge and little else.
Made for peanuts but looks great, it has a presence that films costing 100 times as much could only dream of having.
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