Thursday, 2 February 2012

02/02/12 Superstition (2001)

A fairly straight-up quasi-spooker, where for some reason modern Italy is peopled entirely by posh English folk.

Pretty well acted but average overall.

It's got Charlotte Rampling in it as a nun. You seen Swimming Pool? She was 57 when she made that. Impressive. If you've seen it, you'll understand. Total GILFery.

Mark Strong's the main manchapfellaguy. Good looking bloke, but bloody hell, he seems grumpy in every role I've seen him in. I think it could be 'cos he's a bit baldyslap. Look:

                                                    Bald and grumpy :(

I wonder if a full head of hair would cheer him?

                                                    Hirsuite smiley-joy! :)

Oh yeah, the film. 5.5 outta 10 y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That there? That be the trailer!


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