Tuesday, 28 February 2012

28/02/12 Don't Go Near The Park (1981)

A film about a brother and sister who are possibly cursed immortals (details and character backround aren't the films strongpoints. along with everything else.) who drink people's blood to stay young.


The 'acting'. No displays of skill in any traditionally accepted sense, but the uniform cast commitment to 'awful' is greatly enjoyable.

The effects are camply enjoyable and not as terrible as they could've been. Pretty ropey though.

A ten-year-old boy having a mash of an unconcious teenage girls boobs. As wrong as it sounds.

A Rover P6. A highly unusual sight Stateside, but prob not of interest to any non-British people who don't have a tragic passion for vintage motors.

In conclusion, a terrible film, but greatly enjoyable.



                                         That there? That be the P6.


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