Tuesday, 7 February 2012

06/02/12 Absentia (2011)

Chin-strokey, slow burn, indie horror. Flippin' good it is, too!

Super frickin' attractive ladywoman (objective and all that) who used to be a drug-mong, moves in with her pregnant sister and seems to spend the majority of the time jogging or going to bed. In frustratingly modest pyjamas.

Over the street from the ladies house is a spooky underpass/subway/tunnel. You don't need to watch Irreversable to know that these ugly yet functional accesses can be visually 'threatening', way beyond their magnanimous intention. Same goes for car parks. Double so if it's an underground one.

Watching Irreversable is recomended though. Those nutty French know how to make, er, challenging films.

Anyway, without giving away too much, odd things happen in the tunnel and at the shared dwelling. The tension builds slowly, but consistantly and in a way that crawls inside the viewers awareness with slick, dark menace.

Full disclosure, a friend gave me a disc of this which is obviously not a legitimate copy, but I intend to purchase it as soon as it's available over here. You should too, it really is excellent, intelligent, original horror!

I hope writer/director Mike Flanagan goes on to make many, many more films of this calibre.

Utterly ace.



Trailer. Have a peek!


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