Wednesday, 7 March 2012

06/03/12 Death Machine (1994)

Low-budget Sci-Fi flick about some people in a building being pursued by what looks like a robot dinosaur.

Never been much of a fan of straight-up Sci-Fi films, Blade Runner aside. Although unlike most people, I prefer the version of B.R. with the Deckard narration. It's well known that Harrison Ford was pissed off at having to record it, hence his flat vocal delivery. I think the monotone vocals suit his character and the mood of the film really well.

But, er, back to Death Machine... I dunno, if you like Sci-Fi, it's prob cracking good fun. Apparently there's four different cuts of the film. The longest is meant to be the best. I watched the shortest.

But enough of all that, the best thing about it is one of the actors is called William Hootkins! I love silly surnames.

5/10  Or maybe much higher/lower. Depending on if you enjoy old tits like this.

That's the full filmywilmy.

Russell Brand, what a cunt, eh?


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