Saturday, 24 March 2012

23/03/12 Terror (1978)

British horror film/platinum ocean of unintentional comedy. Something or other about a witch in the 17th century laying a curse on a family. People die. Has Makepeace from Dempsey & Makepeace.

7/10 In a that not-actually-much-good-but-very-funny kinda way.

                                           "Darling! Where did you get this exquisite shirt?"
                                           "The Stern Faced Gentleman's Warehouse"

                                             "La la la! Walking along in my big, white trousers"

                                    "I don't care what Richard Gere used, it's the wrong shape! Haarumph!"

                                        I'm far from physically impressive, but fucking hell! NOSE!!!

                                                Sexy, window licking action!!!


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