Tuesday, 10 April 2012

09/04/12 Heat (1995)

Good of Film4 to put this on, although the 9pm start time meant that, with adverts,  it had a 3h20 running time.

Still watched it all.

Even though we have the DVD.

A nearly faultless crime flick (alright, the fact that most female characters are portrayed as little more than victims of their husband's forceful personalities is a bit rubbish) it's one of the few films that live up to, and exceed, the hype.

The IMDB trivia page has some interesting stuff; Andy McNabb was a consultant on the shooty stuff and the (bloody amazing) post-heist shootout has been shown to armed forces as a model display of retreat under fire... "When surrounded, grab a passing child as a human shield"?

Anyway, the film's fucking brilliant.



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