Monday, 28 July 2014

24/07/14 Carnival Of Souls (1962)

Lady moves to a small town after getting in a car crash. Plays the piano. Pale folk are watching.

Almost once forgotten, now much loved vintage spooker. Possibly not as deserving of the adoration as some would think, but definitely fun and some scenes still have an off-kilter eeriness. Is that spelt correctly? Fucking Windows spell check is stuck on the cocking Yank version.

"Yeah, 'bout this long. And that was on the flop!"

"I hear you was sitting next to another man earlier?"
"Fuck off, Gary. You David Cameron-looking cock."

"Mighty good looking fence you got here, Ezra."
"Yeah, reminds me of my sisterwife."

Seriously, look at the pipes on this organ! Hit more than two keys and you might split time or something.

"I am freakishly happy. I am going out to crash my car for the fun of it."


Bit like getting on the 157 bus between Sutton and Croydon.

"Madam, may I interest you in a spot of dogging?"
"Yelp! ...Er..."
"Time is of the essence, M'lady, nearly at the vinegar strokes."


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