Saturday, 20 June 2015

--/06/15 Sin City: A Dame To Kill For (2014)

The first film worked well, the use of colours and framing really was like seeing a comic come to life. It was a long film but its visual uniqueness (at the time, copied frequently since) held your interest. Some parts were less entertaining than others, but all very memorable.

The sequel is a short film that felt much longer, almost a decade after the first, its style seems dated and cheap, the plot is tired and the acting dull. It says a lot that, whilst the film was playing, we spent about twenty minutes looking up the Tucker 48 that appears in the film to see if they used a genuine one. They didn't.

Apparently the original Tucker was to have a 9.7litre six-cylinder engine that produced a laughable 200bhp. 

When your children ask why all the people died in the big oil wars during the "before times", you can show them a picture of a Tucker and say "Pretty much this. Now eat your gravel, you have to be strong for your nineteen hour shift at the synthetic organ farm. Praise to the Emperor!"

Great looking cars though.


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