Saturday, 20 June 2015

17/06/15 Death Wish 2 (1982)

Say what you want about the Death Wish films, but that won't change the fact that they're terrible shit. Of course there's great satisfaction in seeing rapists and murderers getting mashed in the face-meat, but when the film uses the rape and murder scenes, particularly the rape scenes, as an excuse for titillation, it kinda forgoes any moral high ground.

Still, this film's over thirty years old so I imagine people have already realised that it isn't very good. Also it was directed Michael Winner, not a man who seemed to be greatly troubled by issues of vulgarity during his life. Although the bit on that chat show when he called the right winger complaining about gay people a soppy cunt was great.

Also, what the bollocks does my opinion about any of the above matter? I tap out this tedious nonsense, when I can be bothered, knowing that none of it has any real point and will be forgotten as quickly as it's read.

Which is kinda comparable to the Death Wish films, thus the circle is complete, balance is found and all is well. Hail Buddah


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