Wednesday, 17 April 2019

14/04/19 Chuck Norris Vs. Communism (2015)

I bet Adam Curtis shat himself with tofu-scented rage when someone got to do this story before him.

"This is the story of how the humble VHS tape, and the modest bravery of some black marketeers, brought down an oppressive dictatorship" He would say at the start of the film, and then talk a lot more, throw in some interesting facts and play lots of grainy, barely relevant archive footage of buildings and cars.

But, well, this kinda IS the story of how some scratchy pirate films, black marketeer bravery and a movement of people getting fucking fed-up with being treated like shit by their 'leaders' led to the downfall of an oppressive dictatorship.

And it's fucking superb! See it.


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