Wednesday, 17 April 2019

30/03/19 The Legend Of Cocaine Island (2018)

An 'off grid' hippy-type fella living on a tropical island finds a bag washed up on a beach. It's got (if I remember correctly) 8 kilos of cocaine inside. Not knowing what to do with it, he buries it on a patchy bit of land near the shack he lives in.

A few years later, he's returned to the USA where word of his buried narcotreasure finds its way to a once successful building contractor who's fallen on difficult times.

What else would a man with no experience in the (under)world of illegal drug smuggling and sales do but choose to fly to the island, dig it up, somehow smuggle it back then manage to flog it?

Blinded by the thought of easy millions, he decides to enlist the help of  a clueless workplace Jnr. (with his own, entirely different type of drug problems) and a man he met in a bar who magically claims to be an experienced drug traffiking middle-man.

Well, of course.

So, yeah, a documentary which sounds like a plot line from The Trailer Park Boys.

Very entertaining.

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