Monday, 21 May 2012

21/05/12 Prime Evil (1989)

As I've still got a rubbish cold, we have a guest reviewer for this 'plop; Daniel Dyer.

Danny says: "In the old days, there was some pwoper nawty monks who worshipped Satan instead of Jesus and Mary. This geezer's china looks like a right lemon"                                        

Danny says: "The geezer on the floor had been takin' liberties, so the bloke wearing the West 'Am scarf has given him a dry slap."                                               

Danny says: "This bird's having a gypsies kiss whilst wearing lycra. A bit like one of those moody German films on the internet."                                                                                                

 Danny says: "This geezer's 'avin a quick sherman tank in his dressing gahn."

Fanks for reading everyone, I'm off aaht to 'ave it large and if you don't like it, I'll wrap it rahnd yer cannister.


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