Wednesday 23 October 2019

25/08/19 Gwen (2018)

Film about a 19th century widowed Welsh farmer and her daughters who are barely managing to exist, let alone prosper, on their small piece of land in an isolated part of the country.

The film is almost amusingly bleak, not a single good thing happens to anyone at any point during the film. The location of the farm seems to be in an area suffering from an almost supernaturally oppressive permawinter where everything dies and everything's shit.
The last person to smile was probably stoned to death for not enduring the biblical misery with the required solemnity.
After watching it, you feel like you could join in.

It is beautifully shot and very well acted though, and the perfect film if you think happiness is an overrated state and should be avoided at all costs.

This is the happiest anyone looks at any point in this film. She's positively giddy.

"Not much planned for today. I'll probably just sit on this rock until I die."

"Fuck it. Went clubbing instead. This place is proper banging!"

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